Time & Frequency​


Key Applications

– National Time Keeping Service.
– Deep space tracking and navigation.
– VLBI systems.
– GNSS satellite monitoring.
– Metrology applications.
– Ground & Space Scientific Research Laboratories.

Application Notes
A resilient secondary realization of UTC(PTB) using a passive hydrogen maser

Summary—This paper describes the design and operation of an additional, autonomous implementation of UTC(PTB). The realization of this time scale is set-up geographically separated from the primary UTC(PTB) realization. It is based on a passive hydrogen maser, steered via a custom algorithm by either the PTB’s caesium fountains or the BIPM product UTCr. Using a multi-site approach increases the resilience of UTC(PTB) in case of a major accident and allows for additional testing possibilities.

Frequency Stability Improvement of an Active
Hydrogen Maser with a Single-State Selection System

Summary—A single-state selection system based on the adiabatic rapid passage technique has been designed for active hydrogen masers to improve the frequency stability. This system eliminates more than 96% of undesirable atoms from the beam. State selection effectiveness was determined by measuring generation power as a function of atomic line quality and by the double resonance method for measurement of the population difference of hyperfine sublevels. Frequency stability caused by
microwave cavity thermal noises has been improved by a factor of 1.5. Frequency stability of two active hydrogen masers with single state selection systems was measured. Long-term frequency stability better than 1⸱10-16 at averaging time 105 s has been achieved in the experiment.

Active & Passive

Phase & Frequency Comparators

Microstepper Combiner Synthesizer & Distributions Amplifiers